Kamis, 26 Juli 2012
Creating A College Checklist Before Going Away To School
Students and parents will have to get organized before moving out for college.
There are several scenarios of students who are trying to plan for what they need when going away to college. It may seem as if creating a college checklist is an easy task but there are three categories that students tend to fall into and it probably won't take you long to figure out which of these best describes you.
THE OVERPACKER. This is the person who wants to take all their stuff away with them to school. Honestly this is the worst case scenario because for the most part these individuals are distraught when they arrive on campus only to find that they have to send the majority of their dorm stuff back home with Mommy and Daddy. A much better plan is to limit your possessions to what you will actively need to use while away at school. Over packing only tends to lead to remorse.
THE UNDERPACKER. This individual can't even begin to fathom what they will need during the course of a few months' time. For the most part even with the help of their parents, these scatter brains will likely be calling home and asking their parents to send this or that about once a week. They are so used to Mommy and Daddy taking care of their every need that they can't seem to organize their college supplies or even plan ahead.
THE ORGANIZER. This is the person who does their homework and investigates their options. They search online resources and look for checklists that can help them put everything in perspective. These are the individuals that everyone will turn to in the dorm setting because they always seem to have everything that anyone needs at a given moment. They tend to be more like the parents of the group and are also more likely to become peer counselors or RA's over the course of their college experience.
Your college experience can be wonderful but for some learning how to care for themselves is not without its challenges. When it comes to preparing for going away to college make sure that you take the time to really assess what you need and the amount of space that you will be afforded with in your living quarters. Making the most of this space will require much advance planning and probably several trips to the store or online orders for storage and dorm supplies. However

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
The Challenges Which Await You During Your First Semester Away At School
Kids going away to school have many challenges to overcome in order to be successful in college.
Going away to school can be great fun but it is most definitely a transition for those young students who are used to being under the care of their parents. This may be their first attempt at independence and while they will need to make sure that they pay their bills and manage their own lives they will at the same time be undergoing a very rigorous class schedule as well. This can present several challenges.
Balance - This is by far one of the most significant challenges that first time college freshman face. When left in an environment where every individual decision is completely up to them the college freshman may be tempted to spend more time with friends and participating in social activities than taking care of school work and studying. It can be especially distracting if the freshman has a roommate that is more focused on fun than on doing the work required.
Money - The majority of students who are on their own for the first time don't really know anything about managing money. As a matter of fact, many have never before had to manage and budget their resources. Whether they are working for their own money or they are using the money that Mom and Dad are sending them they will likely need some support in setting guidelines as to which college supplies are necessities and which ones are not. Finding ways to spend less and save more are important skills that young adults need to discover.
Grades - The colleges tend to consider grades very critically and if a student receives any type of grant money then they probably need to maintain a certain GPA. Those who were decent students in high school and that finished at the top of their class may still have a hard time maintaining in the college classroom. Making the grade in college takes a lot more independent work and a higher level of thinking. It is essential if you see your grades slipping to get some extra help by mid-semester so as not to mess up your time in college.
Homesickness - Just about every student will experience some sort of homesickness during their first semester away. It usually comes around midterms when students begin getting overly tired and worn out. Sending your student some dorm supplies and other goodies

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Jumping Through Hoops To Gain Admission To The Preferred Colleges
There are many things a college will consider before they grant admission to an applicant.
Ask any high school student why they want to leave to go school and you are likely to hear that it is at least in part for the social features and of course the opportunity to spread their wings. Getting into a good school takes more than desire, it takes determination, and a lot of students don't realize all the factors that colleges and universities are going to look at before accepting students onto their campus.
Of course, grades are important but even if you have good grades you will want to hold off on packing your college bedding until you figure out exactly what other things that college will be taking into consideration. Most colleges have a minimal grade point average but they also have many other criteria.
Test scores tend to play a big role as well. Some colleges' use ACT and SAT scores while others prefer for students to take their college entrance exam instead or in addition to. Most schools will set a minimal test score requirement as well.
Universities want students who are well rounded and consequently you will want to make sure that in addition to maintaining an excellent academic record that you also have other activities as well. A lot of people assume they must be involved in sports but even a community service activity can really enhance a student in the eyes of a college recruitment officer.
Students that are seeking to get into college today have greater challenges than just picking up some good dorm room supplies. In addition to having a very good academic record and a well-balanced activity list a student must also be careful what they are putting out there in the world. Twitter, Facebook, My Space, and even public blogs can really present colleges another way into your life. Finding people online is easier than ever so limit the amount of information you put on the web and by all means keep it clean. You don't want to be bypassed by the school you desire just because you made something public which should have been private.
Being admitted into a college means making yourself pleasing to a prospective school and putting your best foot forward. Practice for your college interviews like you would for any job interview and dress the part. Remember you want to impress all of them not only on paper but in person so show up and be personable

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Necessary Dorm Room Supplies
Moving into a college dormitory takes a lot of planning.
Relocating to a dorm is an exciting new chapter in your life. In order to make your experience a more comfortable one there are some fundamental supplies that you will need to obtain. Most dorms come furnished with a twin bed, student desk and a chair. Most of the supplies you will need will be smaller items. It is crucial to make a check list so nothing you need gets overlooked.
A twin bed is normal in most dorms, but some rooms have an extra-long twin bed so it is important to double check with the college before making any purchases. You will need to acquire two sets of sheets for your twin bed, two pillowcases, one comforter or bedspread and a few extra blankets. If you desire, a mattress cover may also be procured. To keep your linens clean and organized you will need a clothes hamper and laundry detergent. Rolls of quarters will come in handy to use the washer and dryer on campus. Unless you plan on folding all of your clothes you will need to bring a considerable volume of hangers.
Possessing a computer and printer in your room makes completing assignments easy and convenient. You will probably need an Ethernet cord to hook up to the internet unless your campus has wireless internet. A surge protector, extension cords and adapters also come in handy. You may also wish to bring a pair of headphones for listening to music without bothering your roommates. Basic office supplies such as: tape, staples, highlighters, pencils and pens are also necessities. Notebooks and extra paper will also come in handy.
There are numerous basic toiletry items that you will need to bring along. Personal items such as shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, a toothbrush, medications, tweezers, nail clippers and cotton swabs are just the very beginning of your check list. If you use cosmetics, lotions or perfumes you will want to bring these items too. A pair of flip flops is also suggested since you will be using a community shower. Multiple towels

To keep your space neat and tidy storage bins or stackable containers are also recommended. You can store your office supplies or basic toiletry items in these containers. To wake up on time for class a good alarm clock or dependable cell phone with an alarm will be needed. Bringing a camera to capture those first college memories is a must.
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Ideas For Decorating Your Dorm Room
There are many ways you can make your college dorm room appealing.
Whenever you first walk into your new dorm room you may feel overwhelmed by how small it is, but don't let the size of the room fool you; it is still extremely doable to design a stylish room even with a minimal amount of space. Your dorm room needs to incorporate your personal style in conjunction with utilizing storage methods that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. If you're like most college students you'll also be decorating the room with a modest budget, and that's where stores like IKEA come in handy. If you have a roommate, be sure to touch base with them before you begin designing.
The initial thing that you need to decide on is a color scheme. Picking colors that make you happy is the absolute best idea; colors that are in style at this time might look great in your room, but if they are not your favorite colors then your dorm might not feel comfortable to you. Once you've selected your color scheme you should take measurements of the entire room to ensure that you do not acquire anything that won't fit.
Fabric storage boxes are a excellent way to incorporate your color scheme into an inexpensive storage space. Many stores sell fabric storage box shells that enable you to fit several boxes into them, and this can be the perfect way to organize your clothes. If you need to store other items and cannot afford the expense of acquiring more fabric storage boxes, then you put a classy spin on the classic milk crate approach by covering the milk crates with fabric. Most fabric stores have a discount section, and a number of them will also sell fabric remnants at a reduced amount.
Once you've dealt with your storage needs you can also utilize fabric to add a splash of color to your walls; this will allow you to steer clear of painting while still making your dorm room feel more like a home. It is also important to find a place for some of your favorite photographs and other personal mementos. It doesn't matter whether you're going to school down the road or across the country from your hometown maintaining a connection to your home life will make things less difficult.
Everyone experiences homesickness from time to time

Article Tags: Dorm Room
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Get Together To Design The Dorm Room
If you work together ahead of time with your new dorm mate you can make your dorm room look fashionable.
Synchronizing personal tastes with a college roommate can present many challenges and you may feel after communicating with them that their tastes and yours will add up to a decorating nightmare. A number of people try to work along with their college roommate even before they meet face to face to try and design a pleasing living space for both parties while others create one living area that is designed in two different motifs. Doing this can make for a chaotic living space and can also add up to many duplicate items in this small room.
It is ideal to attempt to coordinate your dorm stuff with your roommate from the outset to create some sort of cohesive living space. In order to do this you must first stop looking at the ways in which you and your roommate's tastes are different and start looking at those things which you have in common. Even if these items are small, like a single pattern or color scheme that is a fabulous place to begin with when shopping for dorm decor merchandise.
Obviously, creating an aesthetically pleasing environment doesn't mean that each of you has to forgo those things that you love or that bring out your individual style. It simply means that you will want a common thread throughout the room that helps to bring all the dorm essentials together and make the entire room seem cohesive. It is even best to ensure that you don't make your college bedding items at least somewhat different. Having every piece match exactly in the room won't make it possible for each of you to express your own style and instead choosing a color you both enjoy will work much better.
If you and your roommate don't live close by to each other, the internet can be a wonderful resource to help you bounce ideas off of each other and to synchronize items that will look good together in the same room. Perhaps you will also want to order items from the same dorm supply company in order to make sure that the colors will harmonize well with one another. Even just one common color can help to weave together varied styles and personalities to create a nice

Functioning along with your roommate to create a college checklist will assist you to save space by avoiding duplication along with saving some funds. Together you can create a dorm room that is functional and has everything you both require without a lot of extra clutter that will just be in your way.
Article Tags: Dorm Room
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Organize Your College Beginning With A Good Checklist
If a prospective college student is very prepared before arriving on campus they have a better chance of success. So it is good to start a checklist far in advance.
Preparing to go away to school is an exciting time. It is a time of mounting excitement and also of much preparation. In order to make sure that you cover all the bases and have everything you need for this adventure you will most definitely want to make sure that you have a thorough and complete college checklist in hand.
Making a checklist is not just something that you just sit down and do, it is something that you should begin at the end of your senior year of high school in preparation for your after high school experience. Initially you will very likely wind up placing specific items on the list like perhaps college bedding items that you have located online or some school supplies, a laptop, maybe even personal care items. Over time however, other things will come to your attention and these are equally as important. Adding to the list over time will help to ensure that you don't forget any of the essentials.
Those students who begin preparing ahead of time usually have a much easier transition because they are not only physically prepared to go away to school but they are also mentally prepared for this new phase of life. They have come ready and have carefully planned out not only their college class schedule and degree program but have also laid out their dorm room in their head with all necessary dorm supplies accounted for.
Being sure your ducks are in a row might even include exploring their housing alternatives, locating an on campus work-study program, or a local part time job to help them bring in some additional income. Students who are well prepared will more than likely succeed in this next phase of life and for many this is their first step to adulthood, so it is an important and necessary process.
When establishing a college checklist it is a good idea to make sure and enlist some help in putting the list together. By pooling online resources, as well as talking with your parents and other college students

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
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